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Sunday, 30 December 2007

New Year Resolutions 2008

1. Enrol on a course to increase my PC skills (at present zilch).
2. Learn Latin.
3. Adopt a healthier lifestyle, i.e. More exercise, less good food and wine, take
up swimming again.
4. Go to Church.
5. Start Christmas Shopping early November.
6. Trace Ancestoral Roots.
7. Take a short "Girls Only Holiday" with 3 Darling Daughters, leaving the "Boys" at
home to mind the Kids and Pets.
8. Spruce Up house with view to selling, downsizing and moving into the countryside.
9. Spend less time cooking and dine out more including Darling Trubes and I having
one day out per week complete with picnic lunch and "Sat Nav." honed into our
chosen destination.
10.Try to be more tolerant with people who irritate me and more forgiving of my
supposed transgressors, (including my Brother who, has not spoken to me nor my
family for 9 years)...... Now that`s a really difficult Resolution !

Well Dear Friends, What are your New Year Resolutions ?
All good wishes to you all for a Wonderful, Peaceful, Healthy and Prosperous New
From your "Friend in Blogging", Trubes.xx

Di.xx (formerly known as True Blue).

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