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Monday, 3 July 2017
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
Shaky and Silver Linings.
The time that we have been dreading, is upon us: Today my husband is going into hospital to have his triple by-pass(heart). The operation is scheduled for Wednesday am. He is the only patient in theatre that day so hopefully he will get star treatment .
Also a team of dialysis nurses will be looking after him keeping his kidneys functioning correctly. We are so fortunate in this country to have such a wonderful health service, even though a lot of people complain about it, usually those that haven't contributed to it. Needless to say I'm rather Shaky, whilst himself still carries on in his usual cheery and Stoic manner.
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Moi trying to keep calm ! |
Of course I have been beset by the usual platitudes, such as, 'Don't worry they perform these operations every day '(not on my husband they don't, I thought, most uncharitably) and 'My uncle had that operation when he was 86 and he's still with us now, he's 92 And he's got all his own teeth!
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Good old British Pantomime. |
When I used to 'Strut my Stuff 'in Pantomime, I often played the part of Principal Boy, part of the role involved chasing giants in'Jack and the Beanstalk' or looking for a princess in 'Cinderella'.The role required me to sing various popular songs and one I particularly liked was 'Look for the Silver Lining', this was a delightful song because it offered optimism and hope I was just about 19 years of age I was young,
'in love' and engaged to be married. I was full of optimism for the future.
A while ago I wrote about the most wonderful holiday in Austria. The beautiful cloud formation over the mountains certainly had many 'Silver Linings'. (The picture above was a view we encountered on a trip over the Bremmer Pass, travelling from Austria to the Northern Italy mountains called The Dolomites).
Look for the Silver Lining when'ere a cloud appears in the sky.
Remember somewhere the Sun is Shining
So the right thing to do, is make Shine for you.
A heartful of joy and gladness will always banish
Sadness and Strife,
So always look for the Silver Lining
and try to find the Sunny Side of life.
Time to Sign off now and my Sincere thanks to the Sensational Denise for devising Abcw all those years ago. I thank Roger and Leslie who have worked Steadily to Showcase all the wonderful contributions of Abcw bloggers. Not forgetting the team of assistants who help with the time consuming job of visiting allotted memes.
best wishes,
from Di,
ABCW team.
(My thanks to Bigstock and Google for supplying the pictures).
from Di,
ABCW team.
(My thanks to Bigstock and Google for supplying the pictures).
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
R stands for Robbie Burns.
Robert Burns was a world reknown poet, writer and lyricist. he was born in Scotland and wrote many splendid poems about his beloved Scotland. His words were often Romantic and were directed to his many loves. From reading about his life it seemed he fathered many children.
This is a favourite poem/lyric by Robbie Burns.
My love is like a red red rose

That's newly sprung in June
My love is like the melody
That's sweetly played in tune.
As fair thou art my bonnie lass
So deep in love am I:
And I will love you still , my dear
Till all the seas gang dry.
Till all the seas gang dry my dear
And the rock melts wi' the sun
And I will love thee, still my dear,
While the sands o' life shall run

Robert Burns with his love Highland Mary. this poem is dedicated to her, so romantic!

And fare thee well a while
And I will come again my love
Tho' it were were ten thousand mile.
I am dedicating the lovely ballad to my darling husband Ian . He has recently undergone kidney dialysis and is now preparing for open heart surgery, this will take place on Wednesday 17th of May, needless to say the Realisation of what is about to happen envelopes us both...countdown time....I'm wishing my life away, just wishing and hoping for it all to be over and for him to be fit and well again. His surgeon assures us he'll be a new man again.
Our thanks to Denise, Roger and leslie for keeping this much love mem running so well,
also to the team of helper who support Roger and co !
Best wishes,
ABCW team.
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
Q stands for Quiet
Oh! How I love Peace and Quiet. NOW !
But back in the day.........
Well ! I do now but going back several decades that just wasn't the case, I didn't know what 'QUIET' was. I believe i was the noisiest girl in the school and was always getting scolded for talking in class when I should be QUIET !
It wasn't that I was stupid, quite the contrary, I was actually Quite bright. Apparently, I used to get so excited when the teacher, the Quirky, Miss Nevesen, took class and she would ask questions and as I thought I always knew the answer, I used to get beside myself with excitement, and jump up and down shrieking to get her attention, of course she ignored me and let the more timid children answer. Inevitably, I would sit glowering at her until I was told to sit in the corner and put the dunces hat on.
Miss Neveson would wear her National costume on special occasions, I know she was Scandinavian and had come to England during WW2 with her family to escape persecution by the Natzis who had invaded their land.
I remember the Queen's Coronation in 1953 and Miss Nevesen wore her National Costume, she really looked lovely but not as lovely, as our new young QueenElizabeth, She looked beautiful.
The picture of the Scandinavian lady (left) is as near to as I can remember. After my bad start in Miss Nevensen's class we became Quintessentially the best of friends, she taught me so much and most of all, how to keep Quiet and listen
! It's amazing how much one learns by Quietly paying attention and listening.
H R H Queen Elizabeth the 2nd. She is dressed in full Coronation Regalia.
When I was in my second year in the Infants in Broad Square School I looked froward to friday afternoons because we had 'Quiet Time' in the school library, we could read to our 'hearts content' then pick two books to take home to read to our parents. Also incorporated in our 'Quiet time'we wer given a list ofspelling competition and my prize was....
After Miss Nevesen taught me how to keep 'Quiet' I was rewarded by her asking me to read a text from my favourite book, which was Heidi by Johanna Spyri.
Heidi is a delightful story of the events in her life of a young girl in her grandfather's care. It is one of the best selling books ever written.
Notice to readers: I had written more about Heidi but my PC has decided to cut part of it off,???
There is still something wrong so my apologies for unwittingly for publishing only half of what I had originally written,
Thanks to Denise, Roger, Leslie and the tea of helpers for keeping this wonderful meme going.
ABCW team.
Monday, 24 April 2017
P for Poetry Phenomenal and Pretty.
After having written about many several different topics on 'Abcw', I seldom miss an opportunity to write about one of my favourite subjects .....'Poetry' or Poets.
It is impossible to pick favourites because there are are so many.
I do enjoy reading humorous Prose and limerics, but then, who could resist 'The Rhyme of The Ancient Mariner' by Coleridge or
The Village Blacksmith by Longfellow.
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The Blacksmith, |
Maya Angelou really stirred something within me when I first read 'Incredible Woman'.
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
O for Oh Dear !.. Whatever next ?
I've always been a firm believer in taking whatever life throws at me 'straight on the chin' in other words, don't whinge just get on with it. last week we had a most challenging week, in fact it was so awful I seriously considered sitting in the corner of a darkened room and screaming my head off. Fortunately, common sense prevailed, and instead of having a total melt down, I sat quietly in my favourite reclining chair, played some soothing music then poured myself a brandy on ice with soda water.
Oh Dear ! Recently I wrote about my husband Ian, who is awaiting open heart surgery which is due to take place on the 25th of May, but what I haven't mentioned that in the midst of all this he has been put on kidney dialysis.
He had either the choice of going for dialysis at the hospital three times per week which would have been extremely difficult because he is my main carer, (I have severe rheumatoid arthritis), or to have treatment at home.
Initially, he had surgery to place a catheter into the abdomen to make access, then the abdominal area is filled with Dalysate through the catheter.
At first, this is done manually four times during the day, then, eventually the process can take place through the night whilst he is sleeping using a machine called a Cycler.
We've had a wonderful team of nurses calling most days and a back-up team should anything go wrong, which it has, but I won't bore you with the details and soon sorted by Ian's specialist nurse, Sarah, who really is an angel.
Next step is preparing ourselves for his open heart surgery which is due to take place on the 25th May 2017.
OH DEAR! Whatever next ? In the midst of all this activity my lap top decided to throw a fit and as it was a bank holiday weekend, we had to wait a while until Mike the 'magic mender man' could fix it for me. My P.C. is my lifeline with the outside world, as I can't get out and about without assistance from my beloved, it's been a rather trying time! I hope to get back to blogging as soon as possible,
Until then my thanks to Roger for stepping in to help and of course to all those who have been so supportive at this rather emotional and trying time.
Best wishes to all my blogger friends,
Abcw team.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
N for Nomads,
My very first visions of Turkey, as our plane seemed to glide in slowly over the tops of verdant Pine trees, on the forest shrouded Taurus Mountains, was Wow ! Are we really landing at Izmir Airport, in Turkey? I just couldn't believe how green and fresh it looked.
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NOMADIC Women in national dress. |
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I imagined it to be very dry and barren but it was quite different the scenery was breathtaking, As we turned to land, we could see the turquiose blue waters of the Aegean sea on one side and people in bizzare clothes working on the mountainside. These people turned out to be Nomads. I must confess, I did hold my breath at that stage we seemed rather too close to the mountains for comfort!
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